Posts tagged IT Ops

6 min Log Management


When you think about it, a log entry is really nothing more than a message that describes an event. 因此,采用基于消息的方法进行日志记录 利用消息传递技术是有意义的. 信息传递造成了松散 coupling that allows a logging system to be adaptable to the needs at hand and extensible over time. 理解标准日志体系结构 Typically, logging is implemented in an application using a logger [

5 min IT Ops


系统监控和故障排除 [可以 这是一项耗时且令人沮丧的活动. 这对It人员来说并不罕见 spend hours finding and fixing a problem that could have been resolved in 10 minutes had better troubleshooting tools and processes been in place. Improving IT troubleshooting and monitoring doesn’t need to be an expensive undertaking. Many times it’s just a matter of implementing a few company-wide

5 min Log Management


You’re on Call Duty. 你会在半夜被手机吵醒 在短信狂潮的阵痛中. 你从你的 company’s logging service: a record is being written to a database, code is being executed, a new container is being spun up, and on and on. None of these messages matter to you. 你只要关掉手机,继续睡觉. The next day you go into the office only to find out that half the racks in your 数据中心离线

9 min InsightOps

3 Core Responsibilities for the Modern IT Operations Manager

在过去的好日子里,IT运营 [http://www.rapid7.经理们所负责的 maintaining the infrastructure, meeting service levels agreements, sticking to 预算,让员工满意. 生活并不容易,但至少还算容易 familiar. 你了解自己的硬件、软件和员工. You determined services levels based on what you could actually see and touch. You told people 该怎么做,他们做到了. 虽然IT被认为是昂贵的

2 min DevOps

Introducing InsightOps: A New Approach to IT Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Today we are announcing the general availability of a brand new solution: Rapid7 InsightOps []. This latest addition to the Insight platform continues our mission to transform data into answers, 给你信心和控制力来快速行动. InsightOps is Rapid7's first IT-specific solution, enabling users to centralize data from infrastructure, assets and applications, so they can monitor and troubleshoot 操作问题[http://www].rapid7.

3 min IT Ops

Network Administrator’s Guide to Surviving an Audit: During the Audit

Last time [/2017/03/31/network-administrators-guide-to-surviving-an-audit-preparation/] we 讨论了如何准备审计. 在本期中,我们将介绍哪些内容 审计一开始就做. 让我们假设你已经准备好了. You’ve done your homework and know pretty much what to expect. So, everything’s good, right? Well, even though you’ve taken the time to prepare, you could be in for some surprises. 在IT审计中幸存下来的关键非常简单: * Be truthful *

7 min IT Ops


Background This blog will give an overview of Software Defined Networks (SDN), present some suggestions for logging in an SDN and finally present an overview of some 我们正在做的关于SDN日志的研究工作. If we consider a Software Defined Network (SDN) paradigm is a racetrack, SDN controllers are race cars. 网络供应商,特别是那些在 telecommunication area such as Deutsche Telecom, Orange, Vodafone use their own SDN controllers to manage the orchestration of their own equi

5 min IT Ops


我想在这篇文章中立即澄清一些事情.  Its title does not contain the number 7, nor does it talk about effectiveness.  That was intentional.  I have no interest in trying to piggy-back on Stephen Covey’s book title to earn clicks, which would make this post a dime a dozen. 事实上,谷歌搜索“程序员的好习惯” [ #q=good+habits+for+programmers]就产生了这样的结果 appropriation, and it also yields exactly the sorts of articles and

3 min IT Ops


Have you found that your organization is developing new applications that are cloud-based, but unable to move away from some established legacy systems? You aren’t alone. This legacy/cloud hybrid environment is far more common than you would expect. And when you look at the history behind these apps it does make sense. Any organization that has been around for more than a few years probably 对至少一个遗留应用程序有一些投资吗. Organizations that have been around longer may h

4 min IT Ops

Network Administrator’s Guide to Surviving an Audit: Preparation

Sooner or later, your organization will likely be the subject of an IT audit. But as ominous as that sounds, it doesn’t have to be something to dread. If you’re a network administrator, you’ll have a specific role in an audit. Since audits are rarely small projects, you’ll likely be working with others throughout the process. 做好你的特定角色的最好方法就是成为 在审计前做好准备. 简单地说,审计就是检查 来确定控件是否足够

4 min IT Ops


Systems of all kinds create log data constantly and voluminously. In searching out the most compelling reasons to dig into and analyze such data, we compiled a 通常驱动此类活动的七个原因. In this blog post we 解决这7个问题中的第一个,包括: 1. System troubleshooting 2. 安全事件响应 3. Security troubleshooting 4. 性能故障诊断 5. 理解用户行为或活动 6. 遵守安全策略 7. Complianc

5 min IT Ops


我在软件行业做顾问.  This work affords me the opportunity to see and interact with many different teams and thus to observe prevailing trends.  在这些团队中,对伐木的态度往往是 一种顺从的勤奋. That is, many developers view application logging the way they view flossing their teeth: a necessary, dull maintenance activity that will pay dividends later.  Today, however, I’d like to encourage readers to consider a different side of

8 min IT Ops


Telephone systems were the Internet before there was an Internet. Think about it. By 1920 millions of people were exchanging data on a worldwide network using a 按需连接的设备. 听起来像互联网. But unlike the current day Internet, the telephone system cost money to use. 亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔(Alexander Graham Bell)的投资者希望这样. That’s why they gave him the money. Thus, people who used the telephone system had to pay for it. So 从1877年开始,每个月都有

3 min IT Ops


视觉搜索介绍 In our never-ending effort to help you wrangle your infrastructure, we are constantly improving and adding new functionality to Logentries.  In that 今天,我们很高兴地宣布视觉搜索. Visual Search is truly a one of a kind feature, it makes the whole process of an investigation shorter and simpler. By automatically visualizing top trends appearing in your data, Visual Search allows you to simply click to drill in and out of datasets to identify tren

6 min IT Ops


我喜欢结对编程[http://en]]. I’ve 我断断续续地做了大约10年. 每当我进行结对编程时 the end of a session, I’ve always walked away a better developer than when I started. However, the practice can be expensive when the pair doing the programming are not efficient. 当两个程序员之间存在很多摩擦时 involved, costs can exceed double that of a single programmer trying to hash 事情就在他或她自己身上发生